
7 Best Crayon Coloring Techniques Ideas

Crayons are like the cinnamon of the art world. Once you smell it, it soothes your mind and soul. However, not many people know how to use it correctly.

When precisely handled, crayons can do wonders for your art. Keep note that these pastels have a different texture and pigmentation than paints. Speaking of which, you have to come up with a different approach for its utilization.

Wondering what approaches we are talking about? Give this article a good read. That’s because here, we will discuss the seven best crayon coloring techniques that will render an essence to your artwork.

1. Add Detailing

Due to its waxy texture, crayons, when scrapped, can be used to highlight certain details of your art. Let’s say you drew a tree, and now it requires a touch of authenticity for the leaves. Usually, when it comes to crayons, detailing gets tricky for its soft material quality.

So, in that case, you can take something with a sharp edge and make the veins of the leaves. It will then give the drawing a realistic touch. The same thing goes for making flowers or hair.

It’s an effective way to add dimension and volume to the hair. Just color the art as per your preferences and add detailing by using anything poky like a knife or scissors.

2. Practise with Coloring Books

With regular practice comes proficiency, and that’s what you have to do. If you stop using crayons for coloring, you are likely to forget the techniques. In fact, many people say that they learned the crayon tactics themselves by using them more often. Speaking of which, you have to be consistent and determined with it.

One of the efficient ways to practice crayon coloring is by getting a coloring book. With diverse varieties, you can opt for anything from mandala coloring books to general ones.

Practise with Coloring Books

It’s best to use coloring books for learning because it does not require you to make any art. They are already pre-made for your ease.

All you have to do is color, and that’s the perfect tactic to learn the process. Besides, it is also a great way to implement the crayon tactics we will mention further.

3. Blend it Right!

For an efficient blending with crayons, we would suggest you heat the paper with a hairdryer before coloring. When you do so, the color melts and provides that velvety texture.

Blend it Right

Nevertheless, if you do not want to apply such a tactic, simply smudge the colors with your finger. By doing so, you will get the perfect smear without using any equipment.

Now, to combine two distinct shades, lay them side-by-side and apply subtle pressure to blend them. This method is appropriate for coloring the water and sky.

4. Add the Perfect Contrast

Contrast is the perfect addition to enhance the essence of the art. With the perfect contrast, your drawing can get a lifelike appearance. So, just like any other factor, you have to take care of these elements as well.

the Perfect Contrast

The best way to add contrast is by highlighting the borders of the drawing with a darker shade. You can then fill the insides with a lighter shade of the same color.

Let’s say, if you are making a sun, outline its edges with dark yellow or orange color. Similarly, keep the insides enclosed with light yellow. You can do so by customizing the pressure on the pastel color

5. Point it Out

The next crayon tactic is famously called stippling, and you can use it for creating the perfect dimensions. It’s pretty simple yet very effective for projecting the height, depth, and width.

For this tactic, all you have to do is lay multiple dots of darker shade on a lighter background. It will highlight the essentials while intensifying the relevant aspects of the art.

You can use this tactic to emphasize both dark and light shades. For dark shades, the dots should be close to each other. On the other hand, to give a light shade, make sure the dots are away from each other.

6. Watch the Sides!

If it’s a toddler using crayons, they are still learning. But hey! Why are you going overboard with the sides? Crayons can be a bit tricky because of their wide tips. Just a little slip can spread the colors outside the drawing borders.

That’s why you have to be a bit cautious when coloring the sides. We would suggest you keep a sharpener handy.

By sharpening the crayons or pastels, you can get a pointed tip. It will then help you to color the drawings without crossing the borders.

7. Use Objects to Add Texture

Crayons are appropriate to intensify the texture using objects. For example, you can use a leaf to create the same on the canvas. For that, simply place the leaf below the canvas and color the above surface with crayons.

On doing so, you will notice the pattern of the leaf clearly manifesting on the canvas if you think that the shades are lighter at someplace, even it out. This was just an example; you can use numerous other objects like coins or cardboards for desirable texture.

Additional Tip: Do Not Change Coloring Directions

One direction. No, we are not talking about the notably popular band here. In fact, we are suggesting you a technique to use the pastels. Many times people start coloring in a particular direction and change the same in a mid-way.

Change Coloring Directions

For example, they start by coloring it in a slanting direction; however, after some time, they switch to coloring straight. If you do so, the art is likely to look more disordered and chaotic. So, make sure to start from a direction and color in the same way all along.

Wrapping Up

Crayons revive the inner child in you. However, using efficient tactics transforms the artwork into a rational masterpiece. Each of the above-mentioned ideas can be implemented to upgrade the quality and standard of your art.

Besides that, you should know the significance of adding pressure while using crayons. While lesser pressure delivers a lighter shade, if you increase it, the color turns dark. Keep note of all these factors, and you are good to go!

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